Why Red Angus
North dakota red angus associationNorth Dakota
red angus
WHY RED ANGUSThe Red Angus breed is well-respected for a variety of attributes, making the Red Angus female the ideal addition to your herd. As the industry’s “Most Favored Female”, Red Angus genetics will increase the longevity of your breeding stock, maximize efficiency or your operation, and enable your herd to adapt to the changes in seasons as well as consumer demands. We increase your profits with Value Added Programs such as the Premium Red Baldy and Feeder Calf Certification Programs, just to name a couple.

But don’t take our word for it,
read on from the experts!

Value Added Programs
Premium Red Baldy Program

Value Added Programs
Allied Access

Value Added Programs
IMI Global

Value Added Programs
Feeder Calf Certification Program (FCCP)