North Dakota
red angus
Promoting and serving the Red Angus Breed with pride, determination, and heritage
North Dakota red angus
The Most-Favored FemaleThe Red Angus female is known to be the industry’s “Most-Favored Female.” According to the Red Angus Association of America, the Red Angus female is in high demand from commercial producers far and wide. Their longevity, fertility, adaptability, and efficiency, coupled with their good disposition, make them the ideal cow for today’s producers.
Since 1964, The North Dakota Red Angus Association and its founding fathers have worked to educate and promote the Red Angus breed in North Dakota with this concept in mind.. Membership in our Association brings an aggressive marketing program through print advertising, “prorated” advertising, and signage in local sale barns. We host the ND Red Select Sale which has evolved to be one of the most elite and prestigious Red Angus Sales in the nation. This sale features hand-selected consignments of open heifers, bred heifers and embryos from our membership. The sale also includes the NDRAA fundraiser, Donation Heifer Raffle, and the ND Junior Red Angus Association’s major fundraiser Donation Semen Sale. The sale is held annually during “ND Red Angus Weekend'' the second Saturday in December along with the annual membership meeting and banquet held in Bismarck, North Dakota.
The North Dakota Junior Red Angus Association (NDJRAA) program is committed to educating and promoting leadership to youth from both the seedstock and commercial sectors. We host several events throughout the year including the Buckaroos and Yahoos field day, ND State Fair Steer & Heifer Show & Futurity, and the ND Red Select Sale Donation Semen Sale, just to name a few.
In addition, the NDJRAA, through the NDRAA, facilitates the “County Buckle” program, which awards a buckle to youth who have won an overall female, market or bull champion or reserve champion at their county fair or Achievement Days, or at the ND State Fair Junior Red Angus Steer and Heifer Show.